Just-VR is a dynamic German company specializing in the production of advanced, high-quality VR cardboard viewers for all kinds of purposes. Their solution is versatile, flexible and fully customizable… Just-VR will also support us as a technology partner on our upcoming think tank on 16th-17th of February. We thank Just-VR for their trust and we are
We are happy to announce that Metabo joined Edin in November 2016. Metabo is a dynamic and innovative company believing that Edin concept and network offers a competitive edge on the market. After all, Metabo offers products from professionals for professionals while Edin targets professionals and brings the together. We are looking forward to a great
We would like to thank EUROBAUSTOFF for an invitation to yet another great Fair that took place on the 6th and 7th November 2016. The Forum was a great opportunity for Edin to follow up on the development from Kick-off Summit, see friendly faces again, but most importantly to engage further in the networking activities.
Learn how your peers coped with similar problems you are facing right now. Meet new prospects and expand your influence.
Gain valuable insight on how to shape your innovation and change management efforts and generate actionable ideas and projects that will set the bar for the future.
Join forces with leading players from diverse backgrounds to create innovative concepts that are tailored to take your marketing, communication and brand awareness to the next level. Diversify the risk and share the cost among the partnership network.
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L-6432 Echternach
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